Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

27 12 2010

Very much by accident I ended up watching this “classic,” Mrs. Doubtfire. I remember that, as a child, I was enthralled by this movie, and Robin Williams was my own personal king of comedy.  What could be funnier than a man dressing up and acting like an acient English woman, and what could be more touching than his doing it for the sake of his children, torn away from him by his ex-wife?

Memories abounded as I watched this ridiculous movie.  Don’t get me wrong, I found myself often times bursting with laughter.  Each time that happened though, I was profoundly embarrassed, both for me for having laughed at all, and for the scene which I had laughed at.   To exemplify this point, I leave you with this scene.  It is emblematic of the film and the way it makes me feel.  Try watching it a. without laughing and b. without feeling silly for having done so:

My rating: 3/10



2 responses

7 02 2011

This is why I am always fearful of rewatching movies I loved when I was a kid.
Suddenly a hilarious movie seems ludicrous, and I’ve lost a precious bit of my youth. 🙂 As I remember, however, this movie was fun, though definitely not a classic.

11 05 2011

I have lumped “Mrs. Doubtfire” in my “guilty pleasures” list — you know, the films you watched as a child and loved, but now that you’re grown-up you realize they aren’t technically that good (and you keep watching them)? So I see this every few years, and it still makes me chuckle. Ain’t no shame in nostalgia.

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